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Gervasi Run Now Wine Later 2024 Training! 🏃‍♀️

Public·7 members
Julia Hopkins
Conquered 10 Classes in One Month!!Rockstar!
Yay! You Leveled up your Fitness game! Way to embrace and conquer the challenge!Level Up!

Ok…. So not signed up for the race, but thought would be a perfect training to get myself into gear with the tools I have, my legs. However, I’m also participating in bike riding 50 miles in VeloSano THIS upcoming weekend. Quite possibly not the greatest time to start something new.

What I discovered in my attempt to complete this…. My brand new Brooks may not be the best fit for me. I’ve worn them a few times and during this breakin process I’m discovering that the same uncomfortable feelings keep having. Attempting to run made it worse 🥴 also, my shins were starting to bother me.

Does running always suck? Lol… or just for me and my bad feet?

Sep 03

I had a pair of Brooks I loved- the next pair I hated. Shin splits for sure. I’ve noticed though before I write a pair or brand off, adjusting the laces has helped. Usually looser feels better on my feet.

Before I take a pair outside, I wear them around the house all day- up and down stairs… if you have a treadmill, even better.

If they are still not a good fit for you, Dicks will take them back usually (unless they are really work or it’s been months).

Running should not be painful- uncomfortable getting started maybe, but not painful.

Little increases in distance/time, big stretching.

Good luck on the bike race!!



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