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Best Value

JumpSTART+ Move+Nourish



Your Goals Achieved! COREFIT On-Ramp to get you moving well and moving often - to your goals!

Valid for one month

8 Private 1-1 Workouts for your GOALS!

Nutrition Coaching to Reach your goals Quicker!

Best Value

JumpSTART 8!



Your Goals Achieved! COREFIT On-Ramp to get you moving well and moving often - to your goals!

Valid for one month

8 Private 1-1 Workouts for your GOALS!



Cardio Conditioning!

Effective and Efficient Programming!

Programmed specific to YOU!

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JumpSTART 4!



Your Goals Achieved! COREFIT On-Ramp to get you moving well and moving often - to your goals!

Valid for one month

4 Private 1-1 Workouts for your GOALS!



Cadio Conditioning!

Effective and Efficient programming!

Programmed specific to YOU!

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